In 2016, Ireland and Argentina commemorated two historical milestones.  In the case of Argentina, it was the bicentenary of the country´s declaration of independence in Tucuman in July 1816.  In Ireland in 2016, we commemorated the Easter Rising of 1916, which was the decisive moment in the struggle for Irish independence, and the foundation of the new Irish state some years later. T his shared historical coincidence was commemorated with an ambitious programme of events throughout the year, which highlighted the major contribution made by the Irish-Argentine community to this country´s development together with the important support that the independence movement in Ireland and the new Irish state had received from Argentina.  The programme of commemoration events included an impressive exhibition in the National Library in Buenos Aires on the profound literary influences and cultural links between both countries.  I am delighted that this important exhibition continues to visit other parts of the country.  This month, the exhibition is on display in Cordoba.